Integrated Master's in Europe

subject area
university status
Found: 164
en en
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
subject area: mathematics and statistics
en en
London, United Kingdom
subject area: mathematics and statistics
de de
Linz, Austria
subject area: mathematics and statistics
en en
Newcastle-under-Lyme, United Kingdom
subject area: mathematics and statistics
en en
London, United Kingdom
subject area: mathematics and statistics
en en
Lancaster, United Kingdom
subject area: mathematics and statistics
en en
Liverpool, United Kingdom
subject area: mathematics and statistics
en en
Loughborough, United Kingdom
subject area: mathematics and statistics
en en
Manchester, United Kingdom
subject area: mathematics and statistics
en en
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
subject area: mathematics and statistics
en en
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
subject area: mathematics and statistics
en en
Nottingham, United Kingdom
subject area: mathematics and statistics
en en
London, United Kingdom
subject area: mathematics and statistics
en en
Belfast, United Kingdom
subject area: mathematics and statistics
en en
London, United Kingdom
subject area: mathematics and statistics
en en
Swansea, United Kingdom
subject area: mathematics and statistics
en en
London, United Kingdom
subject area: mathematics and statistics
en en
Bath, United Kingdom
subject area: mathematics and statistics
en en
Birmingham, United Kingdom
subject area: mathematics and statistics
en en
Brighton, United Kingdom
subject area: mathematics and statistics
en en
Bristol, United Kingdom
subject area: mathematics and statistics
en en
Preston, United Kingdom
subject area: mathematics and statistics
en en
Dundee, United Kingdom
subject area: mathematics and statistics
en en
Norwich, United Kingdom
subject area: mathematics and statistics
en en
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
subject area: mathematics and statistics
en en
Exeter, United Kingdom
subject area: mathematics and statistics
en en
Glasgow, United Kingdom
subject area: mathematics and statistics
de de
Greifswald, Germany
subject area: mathematics and statistics
en en
Huddersfield, United Kingdom
subject area: mathematics and statistics
de de
Kassel, Germany
subject area: mathematics and statistics
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